Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Summer of Camps

M is at girls camp right now.  This is her first stay away camp and 3rd of 4 camps she will attend this summer.  She has been saving all year to pay for the camps and I'm really pleased that she kept up with that goal. 

The first camp was at the fort and only cost $25. They spent their days learning about nature, ecology, history and playing games.

The second camp was lifeguarding and she paid the $150.  That camp was intense, including work outs on the beach, deep ocean swimming and jet ski rescues.  M says she did a back flip off the back of the jet ski.  I wish I had pictures of that but I'm glad I don't.

Our ward did a spaghetti dinner fundraiser and M was able to earn her $150 for girls camp that way.  She made calls and sold tickets for the event.  Then she offered a service of making home made bread to earn the money for camp.

After girls camp M will attend a gymnastics camp in July.  I'm so glad she's having this amazing summer.

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