Sunday, October 29, 2017


Last Sunday M played "I believe in Christ" on the organ as a special musical number for Sacrament Meeting.  She's very poised about it.  She gets up and plays from memory.  Then she sits down.  I'm so glad she handles her feelings of nervousness and gets the job done.

Saturday, October 21, 2017


These girls drive each other crazy and I get dragged along too.  But sometimes they are so delightful and kind to each other.  I think they were holding hands because I told the kids to hold hands crossing the road.  But here we were well past the road and they were still holding hands. 

M is a great older sister.  On the park she's willing to cast her eyes about from her perch atop something/everything when I ask her if she's seen a sibling recently.  And occasionally when I can't find a sibling I'll ask her to stay with one of the littles while I go search.  I try to not ask her to straight up watch the littles at the park and I am grateful that she still loves to climb and help so much.

Today she unloaded grandma's dishes and my dishes. 

Today she didn't let lP get lost in the book sale. 

Today she watched out for small children getting pushed at the playground that were not even related to her. 

Today she self advocated for fried eggs instead of the rather bad pineapple pancakes I had made.

I love this girl and love being her mom.

Sunday, October 8, 2017


M has a fascination with feces.  So too, apparently does the person who wrote these books and created this match up display of animal pictures and silicone scat. 

For several years now M has been happily cleaning rabbit, dog, and horse scat whenever she had the opportunity.  She definitely doesn't like human fecal mater having 3 younger siblings, she knows.