Monday, December 2, 2019

Pants, Pants, Pants!

M doesn't like pants and hasn't liked pants since she was about 6.  She needs pants because of her band uniform and, um... winter.  We've gotten a few pairs of jegging type coverings... yay this year.  Each time she has a band concert there is a frantic scramble to fit into one of G's old or current pairs of church pants. 

She has a concert coming up and I mentioned that now would be a good time to go to a thrift store and find a pair of black pants.  We made it to the store and a pair that was sufficiently comfortable around the waist was found.  It seemed to bee long and wide in the ankle with possible bleach spatters too.  But I sewed them slimmer and hemmed them 3 inches.  The splatter is minimal speckling and it only cost $1.   And she likes them.  Wow!

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