We got an assortment of air drying clay and M enjoys making intricate pieces like mini potted plants.
She has co-opted G's Gallaudet hoodie that she wears alternately with the UF hoodie.
M bought a 13 yard silk and she has it rigged in the front yard. She spends hours daily learning new moves and practicing them. She is so self motivated in this activity.
M participated in the recital for her piano studio and did a great job. She played the 2nd movement of the Beethoven Sonatina in Suzuki book 4 that she learned for student day. She also has a Chopin Waltz and Bagatelle by Tcherepnin. She learned these 3 pieces in less than 1 month and has been improving the style with which she plays. They aren't the hardest pieces she has played (Wedding Day and Puck being harder) but for the sake of learning them to do Student day, on the level 5 for theory, these were the best fit of music we had.
She might learn Clair De Lune and Bumble Boogie. When M likes a piece she devours it.
She memorized the 4th Section of the Doctrine and Covenants in 1 day and now dad owes her a Milky Way.